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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Real Magic

Is there magic in the world? There are those who believe in Black Magic. There are those who believe in miracles. There are those who don't believe in either. I believe in everyday magic. The magic that occurs around us all the time. Far too many of us are too busy to take the time to see it and that is the saddest thing. We must believe in magic once again.


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I was at a friends home yesterday and his children were watching a cartoon. The characters were doing amazing and impossible acts. The kind of things that can only been done in movies. They were jumping great heights and throwing fire from their hands. The kind of things that amaze children and are remembered for years. I truly believe that children should have a childhood. They should use their imaginations. But they should be allowed to explore the boundaries of their world. They must be allowed to explore the boundaries of their life, with a watchful eye of an adult. They must learn that violence has consequences. They must understand that life is fragile and death is permanent. They must learn to think for themselves. They must learn to see true evil when they see it, but know that it is rare.

We must teach children pure science, art, and music. They must learn to think for themselves and never be discouraged by an adult. When I was a child I was painting a picture of the sun in "Art" Class. My "Art" teacher scolded me because she said that it was too big and that I would have to draw it again. She did not know me and she did seem to think that I was seeing the Sun from earth. I was using my imagination of what the Sun would look like on another world. I never enjoyed Art Class again. I learned to stay within her expectations. I wonder how many other student's dreams and imaginations she was able to kill.

Another story I heard from a friend, was of a teacher in a "Creative Writing" class who gave his child an "F" for a paper; "because it did not fit the form." I never though you can be creative if you have to fit into a form. It is important for this nation that we don't suppress our children. It is the ones that dream that create the new ideas. Those new ideas are needed to solve the problems that they will inherit from us. Their lack of imagination could doom them and is not the legacy that they should be left when we leave. Our world is their's to lose if we don't allow them to grow to their full potential.

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Our children should not be abused by not learning the lessons of life. They must know that actions have consequences and that rules were not created to be broken. As they grow toward adulthood they must understand that life is usually hard and can be unforgiving. When they push too hard against the world, the world pushes back even harder. Parents must once again be parents. If parents don't take care and teach life lessons to their children we will continue to have children who don't respect their parents. If we expect our children to help us as we grow more dependent, then we must take care of them when they need it.

We must respect life and understand that we have put too much trust into the hands of people who have no respect for life. Why would we so willingly turn our healthcare over to people who are so willing to end the life of children before they are born. They see life as a choice and life as a bundle of inviable tissue. I see it as magic. For the real magic in this world are our children and look in their eyes as they explore their world.

©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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